Taro plant is a powerhouse of nutrients. Check out taro leaves and root nutrition facts. Its roots contain vitamins like folate (22 µg per 100 g), Niacin (0.600 mg per 100 g), pantothenic acid (0.303 mg per 100 g), Pyridoxine (0.283 mg per 100 g), Riboflavin (0.025 mg per 100gms), Thiamine (0.095 mg per 100 g), Vitamin A (76 IU per 100 g), Vitamin C (4.5 mg per 100 g), Vitamin E (2.38 mg per 100 g), and Vitamin K (1 µg per 100 g). Additionally, the root has antioxidants like cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene. Other minerals that are present in taro roots are copper (0.172 mg per 100 g), manganese (0.383 mg per 100 g), selenium (0.7µ per 100 g), zinc (0.23 mg per 100 g), and magnesium (33 mg Magnesium), iron (0.55mg per 100gms), and calcium (43 mg per 100 g). The electrolytes present in taro roots are potassium (591 mg per 100 gms) and sodium (11 mg per 100 g). Taro’s tuber contains complex carbohydrates (26.46 g per 100 g). Hence, it is an excellent energy booster. It is also rich in dietary fiber.